Follow our certification process

The company sends Halal Italia the official product/raw materials data sheets in the attachments with the application form, which are an integral part of the certification contract. An initial analysis of products, processes and services to be halal certified is then carried out by e-mail and telephone calls (stage 1). Only after the successful completion of this analysis can the subsequent audit proceed (stage 2). In addition, prior to stage 2, the company draws up a procedure for the management of halal production and selects a properly trained halal team from its staff.

Initial Certification Verification

Documentary assessment.

Documentary analysis of technical aspects of products, processes and services

Icona pagamento halal italia Pay this step before moving on to the next

Audit at the production site.

Direct survey at the company’s production sites to assess whether the products, processes and services comply with the necessary standards

Icona pagamento halal italia Pay this step before moving on to the next

Recognition of certificates issued by other certification bodies

Halal Italia accepts certificates that meet certain quality and food safety requirements issued by recognised certification bodies. For halal certificates, the body issuing them must have valid international Islamic accreditation for the production sector, the certification scheme and for the target market.